Saturday, October 1, 2011

Blogs vs. Wikis

In comparison, a Wiki is not as good of an information source as a blog. The main reason is that anyone with access can make changes to a wiki, whereas a blog is usually managed by just one person. I can decide for myself if a person's blog has information that I believe is true or valuable and can continue viewing their blog based on my opinion of how credible the information they post is. On a wiki, I might read something credible at one point and something that is complete garbage the next. Wikis are more vulnerable due to their openness, whereas blogs are more secure. Both can be very informative, but I trust blogs more often than a wiki.
Convergence in the technological world today is very important, while at the same time getting less important. The reason I say this is today's society is very technologically advanced, and needs less to adapt to changes in technology. At the same time, convergence is still important to break down the complex pieces into something the average person can easily and quickly understand.
Blogs can be collaborative because people can get together, taking turns researching data and posting on a blog to save time and energy. The fact they are working as more of a team makes it collaborative. These types of blogs are more interesting due to the difference in entries and opinions.

I know this isn't what I'm supposed to say, but until wiki's, and blogs for that matter, become more secure and reliable, I don't see much of a good use for either that hasn't been done. My opinion is based on the amount of hacked blogs and the amount of sensitive information that has recently been released in a wiki, giving away locations of soldiers overseas, among other things.

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